
The Relationship Between Fitness and Testosterone Levels

Exploring the Connection: Does Working Out Increase Testosterone?

Maintaining our physical strength, vitality, and overall well-being is an important part of a man’s life –– and testosterone plays a vital role in doing just that! Responsible for maintaining muscle mass, regulating sex drive, enhancing mood, and fueling our energy levels this hormone ensures physical strength and vitality. However, as we age, testosterone levels naturally decline, often leading to unwanted symptoms that can impact our quality of life.

While there are various approaches to addressing this decline, one natural and empowering strategy stands out: exercise. By adding exercise to your routine, you could potentially boost testosterone levels, unlocking a world of benefits.

In this blog, we will delve into the fascinating realm of optimizing testosterone levels through exercise. We will explore the science behind the connection between exercise and testosterone production, uncover effective exercises to include in your routine, and explore treatment options available when exercise alone is not enough. 

Testosterone and Exercise: The Connection

The relationship between testosterone and exercise is a fascinating and dynamic one –– showing that by engaging in regular physical activity, you can significantly impact testosterone levels in men. One way this is achieved is by the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. During exercise, the body experiences physiological stress, which triggers the release of hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This, in turn, signals the testes to produce testosterone.

Additionally, during resistance exercises, the body’s natural response is to release anabolic hormones like testosterone, ultimately stimulating production as muscles are put under stress. Besides the direct benefits of exercise, it also helps lower your body fat and weight, which further supports testosterone production.

Related: Male Testosterone Levels by Age: Everything You Need to Know

Types of Exercise to Include in Your Routine

Weight Training 

When done regularly, lifting weights has been reported to increase testosterone levels. When large muscle groups are worked with complex movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses the body stimulates testosterone production. For best results, it is recommended that you lift heavy weights––around 85 percent of your one-rep max –– for three to four sets of six to 12 reps, twice a week. 

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 

If you don’t have access to gym equipment, HIIT workouts that include bodyweight exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, and burpees are a terrific alternative. Aim for 10 to 15 minutes of HIIT, with 30 to 90 seconds of exercise and 30 to 90 seconds of rest, two to three times each week. According to studies, testosterone levels can increase following HIIT workouts for up to an hour.

Aerobic Training 

Aerobic training, such as running, swimming, or cycling, can positively influence testosterone levels through several mechanisms. It helps reduce body fat, particularly visceral fat, which can lower testosterone production. Improved insulin sensitivity resulting from aerobic exercise also plays a role in optimizing testosterone balance. Additionally, aerobic training improves cardiovascular health, enhancing blood circulation and oxygen delivery, which can positively impact hormone production. While the increase in testosterone levels may not be as significant as with resistance training, incorporating regular aerobic exercise into your routine can contribute to maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

Learn More: Testosterone and Cardiovascular Health

Discover if Low Testosterone Could Be Impacting Your Life

Are you experiencing a lack of energy, decreased sex drive, or mood swings? These could be signs of low testosterone. Take our quick and easy Low Testosterone Quiz to gain insights into your symptoms and determine if low testosterone may be affecting your life. 

 Start the Quiz 

When Exercise Alone Is Not Enough

While exercise plays a vital role in boosting testosterone levels, there are instances when it may not be sufficient on its own. If you find that your testosterone levels remain low despite regular exercise, it may be time to explore other options. Here are a few treatment options that can help restore balance to your testosterone levels and combat the negative effects.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment aimed at restoring testosterone levels to alleviate symptoms and restore hormone balance. Treatment can be administered through various methods, such as injections, gels, patches, or pellets. It is important to note that TRT should be prescribed and monitored by a qualified healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective results. 

The P-Shot

For some men, the age-related drop in testosterone causes erectile dysfunction. While Erectile Dysfunction Medications like Viagra and Cialis are popular, some men prefer to explore other options first. One innovative approach is the Priapus Shot or P-Shot. The P-Shot uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to improve blood flow to the penis and trigger tissue growth.

PRP is derived from a man’s blood, so there is little risk of side effects. The plasma, which contains growth factors and stem cells, is then injected into specific areas of the penis. The growth factors stimulate tissue regeneration, while the stem cells promote the growth of new blood vessels.

The P-Shot requires no downtime and provides long-lasting results. In studies, over 80 percent of men reported improved erection quality and stamina within a few weeks of treatment. The effects can last 12 to 18 months before a follow-up shot is needed. For men looking to improve their sex life and performance in the bedroom, the P-Shot offers an innovative solution with little risk.

Boost Your Testosterone Levels at Lowcountry Male

If you think you may be affected by a lower testosterone level than normal, we recommend visiting our clinic to discuss your situation with one of our physicians. During your consultation, you will be able to discuss your symptoms, run tests, and determine possible treatment options that are best suited for your life. 

With years of experience helping men across the Carolinas regain control of their health, you can trust our team to restore balance in your body. Take the first step today and begin reaping the benefits testosterone can have on your life!



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